Sunday, August 9, 2015

Reuven Koret Writes About "Panicking Obama" and Iran Nuke Proposal

Reuven Koret is now contributing columns to the Jerusalem Post under the title "A Zionist Abroad." In his August 7 column, "A Panicking Obama Just Crippled His Chances in Congress," Koret writes,

The headline emerging from President Obama’s Tuesday meeting with Jewish leaders was stunning. If Congress rejects the Iran deal, he reportedly said, we can expect rockets to “rain down on Tel Aviv.”
If Congress rejects the deal, he said, the Iranians will attempt to race to the bomb, the US will be forced to attack them, and Iran will respond by attacking Israel directly through proxies.  “They will fight this asymmetrically. That means more support for terrorism, more Hezbollah rockets falling on Tel Aviv,” Obama was quoted as saying. Surprisingly, he said that the result of congressional disapproval would not be the US going to war with Iran. Israel would suffer most. “I can assure you that Israel will bear the brunt of the asymmetrical response that Iran will have to a military strike on its nuclear facilities.”
News flash for Obama (who doesn’t appear to understand what asymmetrical means): Israelis have faced rockets from Iranian proxies for more than a decade now. And we have lived to tell the tale.
Koret's bio on the site says, "After 30 years writing and publishing from Israel, Reuven Koret now reports from Europe. He loves to write about how Europeans regard Israel and Israeliness."

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