Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Amy Hopkins Fights the Good Fight for Horseshoe Crabs

Amy Hopkins is volunteering in a project that tags and studies horseshoe crabs in Connecticut. The New Haven Register reports:

“You are feisty tonight, aren’t you!” Amy Hopkins tells one horseshoe crab attempting to crawl away on the beach as she bends down and measures its shell with a ruler. 
Groups across the state study local horseshoe crab populations each year at this time as part of Project Limulus, an effort started more than 10 years ago at Sacred Heart University. In May and June during high tide and their mating season, horseshoe crabs emerge close to the coast, making this a prime opportunity for hands-on research. The creatures are sturdy, but still can’t bite, sting or pinch humans.
Sacred Heart University researchers and community volunteers use special tags to track the species as well as study attributes of local populations because of their medical and ecological importance — even if they have to sacrifice sleep for the cause.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Andrew Steinberg, Aviation Lawyer, Dies at 53

Andy Steinberg died on May 20 in Maryland, due to a form of eye cancer. He was 53 and had had a distinguished career in the public and private sectors serving the airline industry. An obituary in the Washington Post noted,

“Andy Steinberg was one of the greatest aviation lawyers of his generation,” said Jeffrey N. Shane, a partner at the Washington firm Hogan Lovells and a former undersecretary for policy at the Transportation Department. “He was in full command of the most complex and obscure laws and regulations — both domestic and international — and brought a level of creativity and intellectual rigor to his work that consistently impressed clients and colleagues alike.”

From 1990 to 1996, Mr. Steinberg was one of American Airlines’ senior attorneys, handling a range of employment and environmental matters for the carrier. In 1993, he was a member of the in-house legal team that helped American successfully defend against an antitrust lawsuit brought by rivals Continental and Northwest.

At Princeton, Andy served on the 1980 Board of The Daily Princetonian, on the editorial page staff.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Wallach's New Book "A Kosher Dating Odyssey" Gets Coverage in PAW, and More

Class Webmaster Van Wallach's new book, A Kosher Dating Odyssey: One Former Texas Baptist's Quest for a Naughty & Nice Jewish Girl, earned an online write-up in the weekly blog section of the Princeton Alumni Weekly on May 4. PAW summarized the book this way:

Raised a Southern Baptist, Wallach slowly began to question his beliefs and was drawn to his parents’ Jewish heritage and later to the women who embodied it. In this humorous memoir that explores the search for faith and love, he looks at the challenges of dating as an ex-Baptist Jewish intellectual single man.
Wallach also did a Q&A with the Connecticut Jewish Ledger, focusing on his family background and insights into the many ups and downs of baby boomer dating.  In it, he touches on his experiences of transitioning from small-town Texas to Princeton, noting:

I found myself always drawn to Jewish women, whom I described as “smart, vulnerable and shtetl-lovely.” I never had any interest in seriously seeking a relationship with non-Jewish women – quite a change from my upbringing, because I didn’t know ANY Jews outside my own family until I arrived at Princeton University in 1976.
The book has a strong connection to the Class of 1980, as the book was published by Coffeetown Press in Seattle, where Catherine Treadgold is the publisher, and classmates Cora Monroe and Steve Hughes contributed blurbs that are contained in the book.