Sunday, October 11, 2009

USA Track and Field to Honor Bruce McBarnette

On October 30, USA Track and Field will be presenting classmate Bruce McBarnette an award at a reception at the Embassy of Croatia in Washington, DC for setting two new USA records this summer in the high jump for his age group. An article about the latest record Bruce set, at the USA National Masters Track and Field Championship in Oshkosh Wisconsin and Falls Church, Virginia is at

Bruce can arrange free admission for anyone who would like to attend the reception at the Embassy of Croatia, 2343 Massachusetts Ave. in Washington, DC, 6:30pm-8:30pm. The reception will also be an art show featuring the art work of several artists in the Washington, DC area. If you would like Bruce to reserve a place for you, visit

Sports Illustrated is considering doing a feature on Bruce, who has won 6 World Championships and 21 USA National Championships for his age group in the high jump. By sending Sports Illustration a nomination email message, you can increase the chances that Sports Illustrated will feature Bruce. To send a nomination email message, visit
and complete the form at the bottom of the page.