Thursday, November 25, 2010

Florence Hudson Discusses Business Travel in NY Times

Florence DiStefano Hudson provided a first-person view of her corporate travel experiences in the Tuesday, November 23 "Frequent Flyer" feature of the New York Times. Florence gave an interview under the headline, "Lessons in Inefficiency, Learned in Airports Around the World." The article started,

I’m a problem-solver and pattern-recognizer. Traveling as much as I do is always an adventure. I have to admit that a lot of the time, I’m wondering how we actually make it from Point A to Point B since everything is so inefficient.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

John Rogers named head of Advisory Council on Financial Capability

John Rogers last month was named as head of the Advisory Council on Financial Capability, a new committee created by an executive order to complement recent consumer-protection legislation, aims to help President Barack Obama create effective policy to help Americans make better, more informed financial decisions. An October 25 article in The Daily Princetonian detailed the appointment.

More information about the Advisory Council can be found on the White House website.